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For No One and Everyone to See All at Once: Late Stage Social Media, ChatGPT’s Favorite Food, and the Art of Cringing at Our Past Selves Online

I'm starting to get a little bored with the over-curated side of social media. I want to see your messes, your unfinished projects, your scribbles, and your half completed thoughts. I don't want to arrange my open sketchbook on a white background and place my pens and markers casually angled inward to draw your eyes to the focal point. I don't want to look up the appropriate hashtags to add to the end of my captions, and I don't have an intro, a hook, or a course to sell. I just wanna post the raw sketches as they happen, late at night with my puppy's sleepy butt in the upper right corner of the photo.  I’ve been attempting to loosen up the way I show up online lately, posting imperfect bits of life and raw little sketches here and there, no pressure. Changing the way I share my life online has made me start thinking a lot about my old blog.  I was a blogger, not a very popular one, back in the Golden Age of blogs, circa 2006. I started it to basically make a little...

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