It's Been Forever and a Day...

...but things have been busy with moving to my new place, settling in, working, making stuff, etc.

Here are some photos of what's been going on...

More photos soon!


  1. wow lovely place, I love all the color and whimsy...

  2. Your blog caught my attention because your space shows you certainly don't fear using color--its wonderful and inspirational. I am in the process of creating an art studio in my home, I have a place for supplies, dropcloths- because the room has a lovely bamboo flooring- and now I need a table; what do you think about a collapsable one? I have a blog which I hope you'll visit and leave a comment. I'm going to become a follower of your blog to check out your work--maybe I can see your finished ear on the lovely woman you're painting? lol. I would be flattered if you'd join my blog by following. Keep on creating your space is fabulous!

  3. I wish you successes in everything.

  4. I wish you successes in everything.


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