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Here is a brief tour of this blog to get you started:

*12 Ways to Make Space in Your Busy Daily Life for Art: I share some of my ideas for how you can spend more time doing creative things in your day to day life. 

*10 Ways to Make Art on a Shoestring Budget: Money is tight for a lot of us these days, so I thought I'd come up with a list of ways for you to make art on the cheap! 

*The "How to Draw" Series: An Introduction: I tell my story about how a very discouraging art school teacher took me off the path of drawing and how I was able to find my way back to it in the end.

*How to Get Out of an Art Funk: Feeling stuck?  Feeling lost?  Here are a few tips to get you back to making art...

I love interviewing other artists and finding out what makes them tick... Here's a list of the interviews I have done on my blog so far:

*Lauren Faulkenberry

*Amy from Fate-Filled Times

*Daniel Graham

*Mindy Lacefield

*April Bowles-Olin

*Samantha Kramer

*Meekah Sage

Have fun exploring my blog! :)


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